Sunday, August 9, 2009

PFach Ultimate Fan Contest!

Twilight Lurve is searching for Peter Facinelli's Ultimate fan!

Is it you?! Prove it & you could win this lovely hand-signed photo of PFach:

Want it?! Here's how to enter:

There are a million ways to enter this contest:

Send us a video response, love letter to PFach, a photo of you hugging a photo of Peter, anything you want, & prove to us why you are his #1 fan! Be creative!

Send all non-video entries to our email:

Limit 1 entry per person, make it a good one!

This contest ends September 15th, no entries will be accepted after 12:00AM PST!
I will review all the entries and choose one lucky winner. <3 Good luck PFach fans!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mike Welch Autograph Giveaway Winner!

It's past 12:00 AM Pacific time! Time to announce the winner of our 1st giveaway! Who's excited?! I know I am!

With the help of, fate has chosen #20 out of 49 comments as the winner of this lovely signed photo:

Congradulations to Lauren, lucky #20!

Thanks to all those who entered! Don't be too upset if you didn't win this one, we have lots more fabulous prizes lined up to give away soon!

For anyone who is completely devastated: email me at and I'll send you some info so you can try to get your very own Mike Welch autograph. ;D

The Peter Facinelli autographed photo contest is up next, details coming soon!